
Steve Nash Fitness World and Sports Clubs Are Now Accepting Alipay And WeChat Pay

Steve Nash Fitness World and Sports Clubs Are Now Accepting Alipay And WeChat Pay

Vancouver, Canada – (Mar, 2019)–AlphaPay, a Canadian FinTech company with advanced payment technology, navigates Canadian merchants to the ever-growing Chinese market; SNFW B.C. Ltd., Western Canada’s largest player in the fitness landscape, services for B.C residents for nearly 60 year, now established the partnership to accept Alipay and WeChat Pay to deliver a better service experience for Chinese mobile users.

SNFW B.C. Ltd. is dedicated to the experienced growth due to the quality of its team, facilities, and service offering. It’s this growth that allows the company to expand its portfolio to meet the evolving consumer demands and provide a fitness solution for all consumers.  

Nowadays in China, the transformation from keeping bellyful to keeping healthy has been made, with growing numbers of Chinese people in all ages embracing a more active and healthy lifestyle, their spending habits are moving beyond consumer products. The country’s gym and fitness sectors make for a US$6 billion industry. Parallel to this growth is China’s rapidly expanding sportswear market, which is projected to hit US$43.10 billion by 2020, according to Euromonitor.

With the partnership with AlphaPay, the mobile payment acceptance enables in multiple SNFW locations, Chinese mobile users can easily pay with their home currency on their mobile devices, and able to join facilities such as fitness classes, personal training, and even professional boxing and martial arts which cater to people in all age groups.

Additional benefits deliver to AlphaPay’s merchants will be providing marketing channels for branding on Alipay’s Discovery platform, the lifestyle platform with a large user base. It instantly increases awareness of its location to visitors by pushing notifications on their phones where they can see as activities and exhibitions, business hours, get directions and even purchase coupons to SNFW.

In addition, with so much more time being spent at the gym, it is natural that the activewear industry is reaping the benefits as well. Chinese consumers are embracing changing trends and want the latest sportswear outfits to go with their new fitness regimes.

AlphaPay is excited to conduct Canadian Merchants with Chinese mobile users, and take both fitness and payment technology to the next level.

About SNFW                                                

SNFW is dedicated to developing the most effective training programs just for you. Whatever your goals are. Our community of members and staff share an energy that inspires the potential in us all. We’ve been helping people live a healthier life for almost 60 years. We’re all on a mission to achieve results and we’re not afraid to work for it.

ABOUT AlphaPay

AlphaPay is a major influencer in the borderless payment technology space in Canada. As a forward-thinking FinTech company, AlphaPay has developed and distributed payment technology services to bridge the gap between North American businesses and 1.1 billion users of Alipay, WeChat Pay, and UnionPay through borderless payment technology. For more information: www.alphapay.com

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